Think Deeply

For Newton, deep thinking didn't start with abstraction. It started with an apple falling on his head. In their book, 5 Elements of Effective Thinking, Edward Burger and Michael Starbird write:

Newton described the universe-the behavior of the sun, the planets, and distant stars-using the same laws that describe everyday occurrences like apples falling from trees. The simple and familiar hold the secrets of the complex and unknown. The depth with which you master the basics influences how well you understand everything after that.

This is a simple, fundamental truth to building product. Start by thinking deeply about the basics, instead of everything that you're hoping to achieve. The surprises come as you build. Thinking deeply allowed Newton to understand physics. He may have had grand dreams and ambitions, but he started from thinking deeply about what he knew, and the motion of an apple dropping.

Good products rarely begin with technical know-how-they arise from deeply considered solutions to problems.