1. I Stopped Counting Calories

I don't even weigh myself anymore.

I used to obsessively track my food and weight. I used to log all my workouts. That 10-minute yoga session totally burned some calories, right?

I never really learned much about nutrition in school. The main focus was always on calories. (I'm pretty sure that's what the main focus still is.) Calories in, calories out. Move more, eat less. That'll balance it all out.

But guess what?

jannis-brandt-107231.jpgSource: Photo by Jannis Brandt

When I started eating real food, I began to notice it was really hard to overeat. I kept up the calorie counting schtick for a while just to be on the safe side. And the friendly little app warned me that I was consuming too much sugar, too many carbs, too many calories. Stop with the excess! Except I wasn't gaining weight. Quite the opposite.

My body has found its natural weight, and I don't struggle to maintain it. (If you're into the whole vanity thing, I can totally still wear clothes from high school.)