3. Motivating People

Influencing people is possible not only through the demonstration of power. Effective leadership is based on charisma. The charismatic leader is able to strengthen its expression of the word enthusiasm and passion. To do this he must hold eye contact with the audience (in this opinion should not be close, otherwise it can be rastsenёn as aggression), fluent, confident and non-monotonically, as well as demonstrate their own enthusiasm through facial expressions and gestures. Of course, gestures are not needed, when you are trying to explain, what is the best way to write a research papers, but when you are making a strong speech, a lack of gestures will bring you to failure.

Another component of charisma is the ability to woo listeners, literally infecting them with his idea. In this case it is necessary to maintain an open posture to show interest in others and to use time-tested technique - sincere smile.