Safety of In-Place Duct Products

When properly designed and installed, fiber glass products for air handling systems improve the indoor environment by controlling heat loss or gain, while reducing condensation and providing acoustical insulation.

The results of several more recent scientific studies demonstrate that fiber glass insulated HVAC systems have no adverse effects on indoor environmental quality.

  • The IPCS Environmental Health Criteria 77 on man- made mineral fibers has stated: " … it has generally been concluded that the contribution of fibrous glass lined air transmission systems to the fibre content of indoor air is insignificant."
  • Duke University - A 1997 study showed that mold is no more likely to grow on fiber glass than on any other surface in the duct system. Mold grows in the presence of water. By helping to reduce condensation, fiber glass insulated ducts actually help minimize microbial growth.
  • University of Nevada Las Vegas - A 1996 study confirmed the results of numerous earlier studies showing that fiber content in the indoor air from fiber glass lined systems is insignificant and does not adversely affect the health of building occupants.