Close The Job

After a job has been completed and paid, it's easy to forget to close the job out.

This is important for three reasons:

  1. The client is in agreement that the project is completed. There are no more revisions, requests, etc. (I've had clients come back after a job has been completed and ask me to do more work as 'part of the job.' When there is no written confirmation of a job being completed, the 'Project Creeps' will come for you.
  2. It reminds the client to leave feedback.
  3. It gives opportunity to get bonuses. If you've clearly done an exceptional job and the client has experienced massive results, it's easy to add a final note in your 'closing email' that says "P.S. Any bonuses are much appreciated!". I've received bonuses up to $100 from clients before. It doesn't hurt to ask!