Visiting Pokéstops

Pokéstops are important landmarks, marked on the map at significant (usually) local locations. Visiting pokéstops is the primary way of getting gameplay items.


When you're close enough to a pokéstop to activate it, the map icon will expand into a spinning pokéballs icon, allowing you to tap on it to obtain items, such as pokéballs, potions, revives, razz berries and eggs.

You can also activate lure modules at pokéstops, increasing the likelihood of pokémon appearing there. To place a lure module on a PokéStop, tap the white bar underneath the PokéStop's name. If you have a lure module in your inventory, you can place this module in the module slot.

There's no limit to how many players can claim rewards from a PokéStop over a particular time frame, but individuals will have to wait five minutes between swiping the symbol and retrieving a new set of rewards - the marker changes to purple when it's recharging and will turn blue again once it's ready.

**NOTE: Only Pokeballs and Eggs are offered up at PokéStops until you reach level 5, at which point the rest of the list comes into play.

How often do PokéStops refresh?

  • PokéStops refresh (and will give you more items) every five minutes.

What's that pink stuff around a PokéStop?

  • If you see a PokéStop that's shooting off pink petals, someone has placed a lure module there.

How do I request a new pokéstop?

  • Anyone living near an urban area should find ample PokéStops to restock their supplies in their vicinity. However, if you live in an area without a limited amount of PokéStops near you (or if you just have a good idea for something that would make for a great meeting ground for Pokémon Go players) you can now lobby Niantic with Pokémon Go requests.