Before You Begin

Before you start the Abs on the Go diet, you should visit your doctor. Actually, you should do this before you start any diet or make any major physical lifestyle changes. When you see your doctor, you will need to get a complete physical that includes blood work. Why? Because you need to know your starting point. You need to know your level of health going into the diet so that you can monitor your health while you are on the diet.

The main thing you want to check for is cholesterol. This is testing the cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and triglycerides in your bloodstream. Most people will tell you that eating a high fat diet with a lot of meat will raise your cholesterol level and maybe with sedentary people that is true. However, on the Abs on the Go diet, you will be surprised at what happens. Because you are actually using the fat you consume as a form of energy, the cholesterol in the fat is used up in the process. There has even been evidence to suggest that the Abs on the Go diet has been responsible for reductions in serum cholesterol levels.

Of course, high cholesterol is dependent upon a number of factors over which you have little or no control. Your metabolism, body chemistry, and genetics all play a significant role. If your family has a history of high cholesterol, then you will have to watch carefully for it. If you do have issues with high cholesterol, then you will need to discuss this with your doctor and decide how to handle this on the Abs on the Go diet.

There are things you can do if you need to manage cholesterol levels. You might need to cut back on meat and supplement with alternative oils. Fish oil, flax seed and oil and olive oil are good substitutes (make sure all oils are cold pressed). Just work with your doctor to determine a diet that is right for you and on which you can still experience the benefits of the Abs on the Go diet.

Aside from the cholesterol testing, you should have tests to determine the levels of uric acid, fasting blood sugar, and thyroid stimulating hormones. These are the minimum tests that should be performed and the doctor is welcome to test for other things as well.

The last thing I recommend you do is get a body fat analysis done and weigh yourself before you begin. You will want to be able to track your progress and this means tracking your weight and levels of body fat over the course of the diet. If you want to lose a lot of weight, then you might be in for a surprise. The weight might not come off as quickly as you had hoped, but this is because you are increasing your muscle mass and muscle weighs more than fat. Rest assured that the fat is coming off.