Gain exposure with advisors and influencers

AngelList is a terrific tool to vet potential advisors and find ones that have deep domain experience in their industry.

You will need a handful of advisors to help you grow your company. There is a great talent pool of entrepreneurs on AngelList who are willing to offer their expertise.

For example, the popular startup Referly, lists its advisors as:

  • Gregarious Narain - Co-Founder of Chute. Previously first employee at Klout (VP Product) where I helped grow the team from 1 to 20. Fourth startup.
  • Damien C. Tanner - Cofounder Pusher, Panda, and New Bamboo. Web technologist. Currently involved heavily with HTML5 video and the realtime web.
  • Natala Menezes -Independent product development and marketing specialist. Worked for Amazon (Mechanical Turk), Microsoft (adCenter), and Google (strategic partnerships).

AngelList has a great variety of advisors that are looking to help early stage companies. Think of what your company needs and what kind of advisors can contribute the most to the success of your team. An advisory board can be a great resource to attracting thought leadership to your team that you would otherwise not have access to.