Context and Vision

Here's some context so that we are on the same page during this Play.

The main process of my career is to take and faithfully reproduce an incredibly arcane, complex of information sets collected in works that are at times almost five hundred years old.
I take these sets and:
1. Learn
2. Memorize
3. Realize
4. Access

I then take my sets and combine them with a number of other people who have done the same thing with different sets from the same work. We combine our roles while negotiating in an often hazardous real-time environment. Concurrent to all that, I have to do all of this both with people I can see, plus I also have to interact on the fly with some seventy other people who are placed directly under me or behind where I have to interact in my space...which means I have to pay attention to a person thirty feet away waving a tiny stick with massive lights shining in my eyes. And lastly, I have to do all of the above while being deeply connected to the emotion of whatever I am doing at that moment, in accordance to my assignment. This is a description of my process, of how I come to portray a character on an operatic stage, but you can see how it can easily be analogue to working with technical data. We have to be prepared; for any situation can and will occur. We have to be flexible enough with our material to bend around any given aberration. On top of that, we must be able to use that moment to allow inspiration to occur. I sing about some of the most important parts of human existence. Life and death situations, Love, Hatred, Ecstasy, Rage, you name it. I have to place myself in that heady state, where things really matter, or I will never convince my audience to believe in what is happening on the stage. Translate this over to you and what you are doing with your startup. It's gotta matter to you, and even if you are the most shy person in the world, you have to make it known to your panel that you give a hoot. Emotion is an amazing tool with which to compete. You are changing people's lives and, in some respects, you are saving the world.