To customize your add to shopping cart confirmation message:
1. Click the product gallery to select it.
2. From the pop-up menu, click Style Product Page.
3. From Style Product Page, under After product is added to cart, click Style Confirmation Message.
4. From Style Product Page, under Checkout Button label, type the name of your Checkout button.
5. Under Continue Shopping button label, type the name of your
Continue Shopping button.
6. Under Image mode, click the dropdown and select Crop or
7. Under Select message orientation, click the dropdown and select
Vertical or Horizontal.
8. Under Distance between buttons, enter a number between 0 and 80
to indicate the distance between the Continue Shopping and Checkout
9. Click the dropdown at the bottom of the window to select a page
that contains your shopping cart to link your buyers to the cart
after they click the Checkout button.