Adding Size Buttons

If your store has items that have several size options available, you can add size buttons to your product pages that allow your buyers to choose from the different sizes. You can also set a price variation for each of the size selections.

To add size buttons:

1. From the My Products tab of the Store Manager, from your product list, click a product to edit it.
2. Under Options and Inventory, check the box next to I want to add product options like size and color.
3. Click Manage Options.

4. From Product Options, click Add Option. Click Size.
5. Next to Title, type short instructions for your buyers (for example: Choose a size).

The title will be displayed on the product page next to your size buttons. It will also be displayed next to your buyer's choice in the shopping cart and during the checkout process.

6. Under Title, in the first field, type a name for your button.

Each button can display up to four characters.

7. Under Title, in the second field, type a description for your button.

The description appears when a buyer rolls over a button. For example, if you name your button S and make your description Small, when a buyer rolls over the S, a tooltip will appear with the word Small, indicating to the user that the S stands for Small. The description of the button that your buyer chooses will also be displayed in the shopping cart and during the checkout process.

Important! The description appears in your merchant account and lets you know which option your buyer chose. Therefore it is highly recommended that you add a description!

8. In the surcharge field, type the difference in price for this product option.

Your surcharge value indicates whether or not the price of the product will change when a buyer selects a particular option. For example, if you are selling shirts for $12.99 and you would like to charge an additional 50 cents for a large size, you will set the surcharge value at $0.50 for the Large option. Similarly, you can set a discount for a particular option by setting the surcharge value to $ - 0.50. The change in price will appear when your buyer adds the customized product to the shopping cart.

Tip: If you set a surcharge, you may want to indicate this in the description (e.g., Large (+$0.50)).

9. To add another option, click Add Selection.
10. Repeat Steps 6-9 until you have added all of your options. Click Done.

You can add up to ten selections per product option.
To delete an option from the list, click on the trashcan icon to the right of the listed option.

Your item has size options.

You can add up to two product options to each item.