Adding Coupons

To add coupons:

1. From the Wix Editor, click your product gallery to select it.
2. From the Product Gallery property panel on the right of the Editor, click Manage Store.
3. From the Store Manager, click the Coupons tab.

4. From Coupons, click Add Coupon.

5. From New Coupon, under Name, type a name for your coupon.

The name of the coupon will appear in your buyers' invoice and shopping cart after the buyer adds the coupon.

6. Under Code, type a coupon code.

Your buyers will use the coupon code to get your discount.

7. Under Discount, type the percentage or dollar amount that will be discounted from the purchase.

Coupons will only work for a buyer when the coupon value is worth less than the value of the product that they are applied to.

8. Under From and To, add a date range during which your coupon will remain active.

Check the box next to Unlimited to give your coupon an unlimited date range.

9. Under Coupon Limit, set the total number of coupons available for use.

If a buyer attempts to use a coupon after they have run out, the buyer will receive a message that the coupon is no longer valid.
Check the box next to Unlimited to keep your coupons unlimited.

10. Click the toggle to move between Online and Offline.

A coupon that is offline cannot be used by buyers.

11. Under Notes, if relevant, type notes which will only be visible to you.
12. Click Save.

Your coupon is added to your store.

Click the coupon to edit it.
To delete a coupon, check the box next to the coupon name and click Delete.

When you create coupons and add them to your store, your buyers will have an option to add and apply the coupon code in the Shopping Cart. Once a buyer enters the code and clicks Apply, the code is verified in the server and the discount is displayed as part of the cart calculations.