Goals In Google Analytics

Here are the three different ways you can setup goal tracking in Google Analytics based on the work we did on our website earlier.

No matter the goal type, the first 4 steps for setting them up are the same:

  1. Find the profile for which you will be creating goals, and click 'Edit' under the 'Actions' column.
  2. Under the 'Goals' section, select one of the four sets to create your goal in (each set contains up to five goals) and click 'Add goal.' You can create up to 20 goals if you use all four sets.
  3. Enter the goal's name so that you can quickly recognize it when viewing reports.
  4. Click the radio Button "Active" to make your goal live.

Now here is how to implement different types of goals.

Event Tracking (this is how we do it)

  1. Select "Event" as a goal type
  2. For each drop down "Category" and "Action" select "is equal to" and enter the category and action put in the onSubmit snippet from your website.
  3. Enter the goal value determined in milestone one.
  4. Click "save"

URL Destination

  1. Select "URL destination" as a goal type
  2. Enter the URL for your thank you page that a user is redirected two after submitting an email/performing an action.
  3. Select head match
  4. un-click "case sensitive"
  5. Insert your goal value previously determined.
  6. Click "save"

URL based Funnels
Follow the same steps outlined in a URL destination goal however follow these additional steps.

  1. Click "use funnel"
  2. Enter each step in your funnel and their URL's plus an additional name for the step.
  3. Make sure to only use the suffix of the url. ie. mysite.com/thesuffix.html