You will want to determine whether your financial situation has been affected by the storm. Identify your available financial resources, then list your expenses. Prioritize your expenses so that the basic necessities are paid for first; then you can evaluate how to spend the funds that remain.
If you are concerned about your ability to pay your bills, the Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) can help you prepare a reasonable budget. CCCS can also help you negotiate a manageable repayment plan for your outstanding debts. There is no fee for services, but you must have some income in your household.
Make a list of all those with whom you do business and inform them of your circumstances if you are concerned about your ability to pay your bills. You may be able to postpone or reduce payments. Keep records of all such conversations and keep copies of everything for your files.
To avoid some consumer pitfalls following the disaster, you may contact the Better Business Bureau (BBB), the Texas Attorney General's Consumer Protection Hotline or the Texas Department of Insurance for information about how to protect yourself against consumer fraud.
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