It is very important that you take care of yourself and other family members who have been through this crisis. Be sure to take your regular medications (insulin, blood pressure, antidepressant, etc.) and don't hesitate to seek medical help if you feel sick following the confusion and anxiety as a result of this disaster.
A variety of health care resources are available for you as you need them and you are encouraged to take advantage of them promptly. Your normal resistance to illness may have been lowered as a result of the stress you have been experiencing. You want to make every effort to build yourself up again. Take your vitamins, eat properly, get enough sleep and seek medical help quickly if you or your children begin to feel ill.
Houston-Area Healthcare Resources
Access Health 281-342-4530
Good Neighbor Healthcare Center 713-529-3597
Harris Health System 713-566-6400
City of Houston Health & Human Services Dept 832-393-5169
San Jose Clinic 713-228-9411
Legacy Community Health 32-548-5000
In stressful circumstances, people may try to escape their problems through excessive use of alcohol or drugs. Using this method to deal with difficult situations often creates a whole new set of problems and causes more stress for everyone involved. If you suspect that you or a family member are misusing alcohol or drugs, you may want to turn to a professional who has experience in this area.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Bay Area Council on Drugs and Alcohol, Inc 1-800-510-3111
Career & Recovery Resources, Inc. 713-754-7000
The Council on Recovery 713-942-4100
Fort Bend Regional Council on Alcohol/Drug Abuse 281-207-2400