How do you innovate or collaborate with partners within the ecosystem?

We work with a variety of partners: social landlords and energy companies (B2B) and research organisations / universities who support our savings validations.

Social Landlords:

(Local Authorities, Housing Associations) directly, who in turn benefit from A) improved energy efficiency rating of their housing stock and B) real-time property diagnostics data that helps them reduce their maintenance costs.

Energy companies:

Energy companies are mandated to spend hundreds of millions of euros per year to meet their carbon emission reduction targets: Airex can cost-effectively help them achieve this goal, by being one of the lowest cost/CO2 saved products. Airex received approval from Oftem (UK energy regulator) to be adopted under the ECO (energy company obligation) scheme.

We also believe in the power of peer-to-peer support: we are lucky to be located in a co-working space specifically set up for sustainable / circular businesses.