Corpus Christi Products Liability Attorney

With millions of products available to all consumers each year, it's no surprise if thousands of people can get hurt or injured due to defective products. Companies can always claim their products go through stringent processes and they're made only with the highest quality of materials, but there's no guarantee that a consumer's life can't be put at risk by using them. So how do you protect yourself when this happens to you?

As a consumer, it's your right to be protected from the individuals or companies responsible for the injuries. In the United States, we have the product liability laws where those responsible for causing you harm will be held accountable.

Filing a product liability case can be a complex process and it can be time-consuming. Having an experienced products liability attorney is essential when you want to pursue a product defect case.

Our firm, Jerry Trevino Law, has the passion and commitment in helping our clients. The cases are handled by Attorney Jerry J Trevino, an experienced negotiator and trial lawyer, who has over two decades of experience dealing with product liability cases. We are serving clients in Corpus Christi and McAllen, Texas.

If you have been harmed or injured due to a defective product, we are ready to help you. Call us for a free consultation.

Products Liability Law- Can I Make A Claim?

The law makes sure that manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, and retailers are accountable when consumers are injured because of their products.

Most product liability claims are based on negligence, strict liability and other kinds of consumer protection claims.

Different kinds of liability claims include, but not limited to:

  1. Manufacturing Defects. This can be the use of poor quality materials or when the product is different from its intended design causing danger and harm to the consumer.
  2. Design Defects. This is when a product's design can become dangerous or hazardous to the consumer even if the product is made with the best-quality materials.
  3. Marketing Defects. This pertains to products that carry no warnings for consumers when a product poses a threat or risk to them.

Cases like these can prove to be difficult and challenging; it's essential to choose a reliable and experienced product defect attorney when you are in this kind of situation. Proving your injury is due to a defective product is no easy task, but we can help you present a successful claim.

What To Do When Injured

Some of the most common product liability cases include:

  1. Defective Workplace Machinery
  2. Motor Vehicle Defects
  3. Defective Medical Devices
  4. Failed Cosmetic implants and surgeries

So, what do you need to do when you're harmed or injured because of a defective product? Here are some things you can do to help strengthen your case:

  • Keep all necessary documents about the product. Make sure you have the serial number, the name of the manufacturer and date of purchase.
  • For motor vehicles, keep the files, police reports, and insurance claims. Keep the vehicle as well.
  • Discuss the issue, as much as possible, only with an attorney.

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