Supporting Details

After the topic sentence, the paragraph should have supporting sentences that explain or prove the main idea further.

Major supporting sentences directly support the topic sentence. Consequently, they are more specific than the topic sentence. These must be introduced with transitional words or phrases to clue the reader in that these are directly supporting the topic sentence. In your papers, you must have at least three major supporting sentences.

Minor supporting sentences directly explain the major supporting sentences and will contain the most specific and concrete details in the paper. In your papers, you must have at least two minor supporting ideas for each major support.

For my example of why skiing has changed my negative perspective on winter, I would include some of the following:

Skiing provides exercise.

Skiing gets me outside to enjoy the beauty of the season.

Skiing has become a fun family event.

Notice these all directly tie to the topic sentence, thus are the major supporting details. However, they are still too general. I would need to add specific explanations for each one to best express my idea. Those specific explanations are the minor supporting details.