Transitional Words and Phrases

•These words and phrases are vital, for they help the paper flow when it is read. These tell the reader which ideas are major and which are minor.

Introducing Major Supporting Details

Certain words and phrases often introduce major details. They are called "addition words" because they show that an idea is one of a series - the author is adding one or more ideas to another.

First, first of all, in addition, final, one, also, next, finally, second, another moreover, furthermore, then, last of all, third

Introducing Minor Supporting Details

Minor details do not introduce new points but are intended to make major details more clear. They usually follow a major detail and make it clearer, often by illustrating or explaining it. In such cases, the minor details may be introduced by example words.

Here are some common example words:

For instance



such as

For example

Please note that the boldfaced, italicized transitions cannot begin sentences.