Design Considerations: Exterior Retrofit

Above-Grade Wall at Sloped Roof Interface

  1. Apply a vapour-permeable air barrier membrane (sheet, self-adhered, or liquid applied) onto the exposed wall sheathing. Install self-adhered membrane (if needed) at the top of the wall to create air barrier continuity between the sheathing membrane and the wall sheathing.
  2. Install a closure flashing above the wall insulation and strapping to separate wall drainage cavity from attic ventilation.
  3. Place rigid mineral wool insulation over the air barrier membrane. Use pressure-treated wood strapping or plywood aligned with stud spacing where possible. Attach with screws through the insulation into the existing wall.
  4. Place rigid mineral wool insulation at the top of the wall, cut to fit around soffit framing or behind new soffit framing. Attach with fasteners through plastic washers or strapping and screws.
  5. Install perforated panel or ventilation ports at the soffit to allow ventilation into the attic.
  6. Install exterior siding. Most cladding types are well supported by the strapping and screws. Heavy
    weight cladding such as stone veneer or brick may require extra support.
  7. Complete exterior insulation work in conjunction with air sealing and insulation work at the attic/ceiling plane.