Explore Your New Repository

Take some time to explore the repository you have just created. You should be on the repository's Overview page:

Across the top of each repository is a menu bar that you use to navigate around to your repository's pages. Click items on the bar to see what is behind each one. You can also navigate using the repository shortcuts. To view the shortcuts available:

  1. Click somewhere in the Bitbucket browser window to gain focus.
  2. Press the ? (question mark) on your keyboard.
    The shortcuts list displays.

Try clicking the Commits option on the menu bar. You find there are No commits recorded yet (during your repository exploration you probably saw this message as well). You have no commits because you have not created any content for your repository. Your repository is private and you have not invited anyone to the repository. So, the only person who can create or edit the repository's content right now is you, the repository owner.