Adding A Hosted Project In SourceTree

If you haven't already, start SourceTree. Then, do the following:

  • Choose View > Show Hosted Projects from the menu bar.
    The system displays the Hosted Repositories dialog.
  • Press Edit Accounts.
    The system displays a list of the hosted accounts it knows about. If this is the first time you have run this, the list is empty.
  • Press Add Account.
  • Complete the dialog:

  • The Username is your account name. The password you provide is your account password. You can choose whether you prefer connecting through HTTPS or SSH.
  • Press OK.
    SourceTree returns you to the list of hosted accounts. You can add another if you like.
  • Press Close when you are done adding accounts.
    The system displays a list of your hosted repositories and repositories your account is following.

  • Press Close.

You'll notice that the SourceTree does not list your hosted repositories on your Bookmarks list. The bookmarks list is only for local repositories; you'll need to clone from a hosted repository or create a local repository to add to this list.