Musings on the Flywheel

The goal of the guides flywheel is to bring people together to navigate change.

This means the flywheel helps bring people together

Helps navigate change in your life

  • Richer, deeper, and more capable roles help communities navigate change ('more capable wizard helps your clan succeed)
  • Probe, sense, reflect, respond helps you explore the territory and move forward
  • Purpose and tensions help a community set directions

Tensions fuel change, tensions are intrinsic and thus should not be extrinsically rewarded (ie. financially)

therefore the flywheel should fuel intrinsic motivation

Some activities go beyond volunteering and therefore also need to be extrinsically rewarding, for example compensating people financially who spend significant time helping people, improving the platform, and investing in the company.

Probing Sensing Reflecting Responding/Action
Trying different things that help you explore the territory on/off line, or by bringing people together changing the state of a system. Absorbing and internalising information that result form your exploration through reading, listening, and sensing the untold stories between the lines. Taking the time to let things settle, take a breath, capture what you've learned. Either alone or with others. Based on your evolved understanding you action your reflection by planning your next move, express a tension, join a tribe or a guild, and/or share gratitude for what you've learned or show appreciation to the people that helped you.