We purchased 3 banners from Vistaprint (outdoor grade with
grommets) for approximately $50 each. They contain the date so will
need to be redone every year. Vistaprint always has coupons so
don't purchase without one. We printed the big blue banner again
this year but the school board hasn't been able to get it up in
time. I would highly recommend we DO NOT do this again next year,
as it's a waste of $120.
Mutchmor book sale logo:
mutchmor (Adobe Illustrator)
mutchmor logo.pdf
The website is hosted with Siteground and built using wordpress. It
should be updated annually with information about the dates and
times of collection and the sale.
The book sale has its own facebook page. Every year, a new "event"
should be created for the book sale. We usually "boost" the event
to help promote. We should also ask the student council to share
our event.
We don't have a huge following, but it's a start. Good place to put
information about the sale itself. We should avoid putting too much
information about book collection and donation here, and focus
mainly on promotion of the sale.
Glebe Report ad: