Instructions to make a credit or debit SALE:
1. Make sure pinpad is on "Welcome/Bonjour" before you log in to your iPad app.
2. Log in to PAYD app on iPad (black app, not green).
3. Select "Sale".
4. Select "Pinpad".
5. Input amount of the sale.
6. Process transaction.
7. On iPad or device you will see a prompt to follow directions on pinpad.
8. Pass device to customer - insert/swipe or tap
9. Once transaction is approved a message will appear.
10. You can then choose to either text or email receipt to customer.
Please input sale information for all cash received via the cash option.
Instructions to make a credit or debit RETURN:
1. Go to "Reports" and select transaction date.
2. Bring up the transaction and select.
3. At the bottom of screen you will see a refund amount option.
4. You can refund either the full or partial amount but not higher than.
For more training there are PDF files and videos at under "Support".
You can also get 24-hour support from Moneris at 1-855-423-7293
If you have any questions or concerns over the weekend, please call or text Kellylee at 613-875-2017 or email:
Can the shift supervisor please store the devices in a secure area.
Please ensure that both the pinpads and the iPads are charged at the end of the day.