Determine Which Type Of Investor You're Looking For

Are you looking to raise funding from friends and family, angel investors, or VCs? Although the process is similar, you need to determine the people that you want to partner with, how much money they can invest, and the benefits you're hoping to get from them.

Use the comment form below and work with your team to determine what type of investor you're looking for.

Here's a rough guide to help frame the discussion:

  • Friends & Family: Less capital (<$100k), low risk tolerance (they want to get paid back), simple terms, not much traction needed
  • Angels: Low to medium capital ($100k - $2M), medium risk tolerance (they want to get paid back and equity), straightforward terms, a validated idea
  • VCs: Large capital ($2M+), medium to high risk tolerance (they want a large return), complex terms, some traction and revenue