Additional Features

First things first, let's go to your Cloud Load Balancer detail page in the control panel:

  • Log into the control panel
  • Select "Load Balancers" from the product navigation bar at the top.
  • Select "WPLB01"

Scroll to the optional features section at the bottom of the page. None of this is mandatory, but we like to turn on these options.

  • Health Monitoring

    Health monitoring ensures nodes connected to the load balancer are functioning correctly. The option can be configured to monitor via either a Ping or an HTTP request. With health monitoring enabled, if a node does not respond to the check, it will be removed from the load balancer pool.

  • Logging

    The load balancer will route all connections destined your WordPress nodes. Logging can be enabled on the load balancer to track connections. Once enabled these logs will be stored in a Cloud Files container. These are accessible via the "Files" tab in the control panel.

You're set!