How To Put Your Strengths Into Action

You now have a language to explain your talents. As you read through your profile, take note of how well the description resonates with you. Congratulations for completing the strengths assessment!

Here are some of the benefits of using this framework within your Customer Success team:

It makes performance conversations easier. Strengths provide you another layer to frame your discussions about performance. You can dig deeper than the surface-level behavior and dive into your CSM's motivation. When you do this in an authentic and thoughtful manner, your CSM will feel valued.

Project delivery will become more efficient and fun. As a leader, if you say "Oh, Joe CSM, you have time, take on this project," without aligning the individual to the work, you will waste your time and theirs. Instead of assigning projects based on availability, assign them based on strengths. The work will be done 10X faster, and they will enjoy the experience. Here are a few Customer Success projects and the strengths that you can tap into within your team: