Bonus Workshop 2 – How To Delegate The Minutiae You Hate, And Spend More Time On

"I feel like I spend too much time dealing with the noise, instead of working on the forward-thinking, strategic work I know we need to be doing."

Does that sound familiar? If so, you're not alone. We've worked with hundreds of Customer Success Managers over the past five years, and "firefighting" comes up in every conversation.

Here are some of the things we've heard from CS professionals about what it feels like to be trapped in this vicious cycle:

  • "There's an unlimited variety and unlimited volume of work."
  • "I switched context 100 times a day."
  • "I didn't ever have enough time because we were always dealing with ad hoc processes and tactical stuff."
  • "We couldn't do much more than to put one foot in front of the other."

If this resonates with you, there may be one fundamental flaw in how your daily work is structured that's keeping you stuck in the weeds, and preventing you from spending time on the work you love.

Dive into job satisfaction, productivity, and delegating with Nils Vinje and Dan Gamito of Glide Consulting.