1.4.2. Symbols and Other Abbreviations

1.4.2. Symbols and Other Abbreviations Symbols and Other Abbreviations
  1. The symbols and other abbreviations in this Code shall have the meanings assigned to them in this Article and Article of Division B.
1 in 2 slope of 1 vertical to 2 horizontal
cm centimetre(s)
° degree(s)
°C degree(s) Celsius
dBA A-weighted sound level
diam diameter
g gram(s)
h hour(s)
HDD heating degree-day(s)
HVAC heating, ventilating and air-conditioning
Hz hertz
J joule(s)
K degree(s) Kelvin
kg kilogram(s)
kN kilonewton(s)
kPa kilopascal(s)
kW kilowatt(s)
L litre(s)
lx lux
m metre(s)
M metric nomenclature for reinforcing bars
max. maximum
min. minimum
min minute(s)
MJ megajoule(s)
mm millimetre(s)
MPa megapascal(s)
N newton
n/a not applicable
ng nanogram(s)
No. number(s)
o.c. on centre
OSB oriented strandboard
PM particulate matter
ppb part(s) per billion
ppm part(s) per million
R thermal resistance value (imperial unit)
RSI thermal resistance value (metric unit)
s second(s)
W watt(s)
% percent
μg microgram(s)
μm micrometre(s)
U-value overall thermal transmittance