Permitted Configurations
(See Notes A- and A-9.8.4.)
- Stairs in buildings other than dwelling units and houses with a secondary suite, including their common spaces, shall consist of
- straight flights,
- except as provided in Sentence (4), curved flights, or
- except as provided in Sentence, spiral stairs.
- Stairs within dwelling units and houses with a secondary suite, including their common spaces, shall consist of
- straight flights,
- except as provided in Sentence (4), curved flights,
- except as provided in Sentence, spiral stairs,
- except as provided in Sentence (3), flights with rectangular treads and winders, or
- flights with a mix of rectangular and tapered treads.
- Only one set of winders described in Article shall be permitted between floor levels.
- Curved flights in exits shall comply with Sentence
- All tapered treads within a flight shall turn in the same direction.