9.15.4. Foundation Walls

9.15.4. Foundation Walls Permanent Form Material
  1. Insulating concrete form units shall be manufactured of polystyrene conforming to the performance requirements of CAN/ULC-S701.1, "Thermal Insulation, Polystyrene Boards," for Type 2, 3 or 4 polystyrene. Foundation Wall Thickness and Required Lateral Support
  1. Except as required in Sentence (2), the thickness of foundation walls made of unreinforced concrete block or solid concrete and subject to lateral earth pressure shall conform to Table for walls not exceeding 3.0 m in unsupported height.
  2. The thickness of concrete in flat insulating concrete form foundation walls shall be not less than the greater of
    1. 140 mm, or
    2. the thickness of the concrete in the wall above.
  3. Foundation walls made of flat insulating concrete form units shall be laterally supported at the top and at the bottom.

    Thickness of Solid Concrete and Unreinforced Concrete Block Foundation Walls

    Forming Part of Sentence

    Notes to Table
    (1) See Article
    (2) See Article
    (3) See Table

  4. The thickness and reinforcing of foundation walls made of reinforced concrete block and subject to lateral earth pressure shall conform to Table and Sentences (5) to (8), where
    1. the walls are laterally supported at the top,
    2. average stable soils are encountered, and
    3. wind loads on the exposed portion of the foundation are no greater than 0.70 kPa.
  5. For concrete block walls required to be reinforced, continuous vertical reinforcement shall
    1. be provided at wall corners, wall ends, wall intersections, at changes in wall height, at the jambs of all openings and at movement joints,
    2. extend from the top of the footing to the top of the foundation wall, and
    3. where foundation walls are laterally supported at the top, have not less than 50 mm embedment into the footing, if the floor slab does not provide lateral support at the wall base.
  6. For concrete block walls required to be reinforced, a continuous horizontal bond beam containing not less than one 15M bar shall be installed
    1. along the top of the wall,
    2. at the sill and head of all openings greater than 1.20 m in width, and
    3. at structurally connected floors.

      Reinforced Concrete Block Foundation Walls Laterally Supported at the Top(1)

      Forming Part of Sentence

      Notes to Table
      (1) See Article
      (2) See Article
      (3) No reinforcement required.

  7. In concrete block walls required to be reinforced, all vertical bar reinforcement shall be installed along the centre line of the wall.
  8. In concrete block walls required to be reinforced, ladder- or truss-type lateral reinforcement not less than 3.8 mm in diameter (no. 9 ASWG) shall be installed in the bed joint of every second masonry course. Foundation Walls Considered to be Laterally Supported at the Top
  1. Sentences (2) to (4) pertain to lateral support for walls described in Sentence
  2. Foundation walls shall be considered to be laterally supported at the top if
    1. such walls support a solid masonry superstructure,
    2. the floor joists are embedded in the top of the foundation walls, or
    3. the floor system is anchored to the top of the foundation walls with anchor bolts, in which case the joists may run either parallel or perpendicular to the foundation walls.
  3. Unless the wall around an opening is reinforced to withstand earth pressure, the portion of the foundation wall beneath an opening shall be considered laterally unsupported if
    1. the opening is more than 1.2 m wide, or
    2. the total width of the openings in the foundation wall constitutes more than 25% of the length of the wall.
  4. For the purposes of Sentence (3), the combined width of the openings shall be considered as a single opening if the average width is greater than the width of solid wall between them.
  5. Flat insulating concrete form foundation walls shall be considered to be laterally supported at the top if the floor joists are installed according to Article Foundation Walls Considered to be Laterally Supported at the Bottom
  1. Flat insulating concrete form foundation walls shall be considered to be laterally supported at the bottom where the foundation wall
    1. supports backfill not more than 1.2 m in height,
    2. is supported at the footing by a shear key and at the top by the ground floor framing, or
    3. is doweled to the footing with not less than 15M bars spaced not more than 1.2 m o.c. Reinforcement for Flat Insulating Concrete Form Foundation Walls
  1. Horizontal reinforcement in flat insulating concrete form foundation walls shall
    1. consist of
      1. one 10M bar placed not more than 300 mm from the top of the wall, and
      2. 10M bars at 600 mm o.c., and
    2. be located
      1. in the inside half of the wall section, and
      2. with a minimum cover of 30mm from the inside face of the concrete.
  2. Vertical reinforcement in flat insulating concrete form foundation walls shall be
    1. provided in accordance with
      1. Table for 140 mm walls,
      2. Table for 190 mm walls, and
      3. Table for 240 mm walls,
    2. located in the inside half of the wall section with a minimum cover of 30 mm from the inside face of the concrete wall, and
    3. where interrupted by wall openings, placed not more than 600 mm from each side of the openings.
  3. Cold joints in flat insulating concrete form foundation walls shall be reinforced with no less than one 15M bar spaced at not more than 600 mm o.c. and embedded 300mm on both sides of the joint.
  4. Reinforcing around openings in flat insulating concrete form foundation walls shall comply with Article or

Vertical Reinforcement for 140 mm Flat Insulating Concrete Form Foundation Walls

Forming Part of Sentence

Vertical Reinforcement for 190 mm Flat Insulating Concrete Form Foundation Walls

Forming Part of Sentence

Vertical Reinforcement for 240 mm Flat Insulating Concrete Form Foundation Walls

Forming Part of Sentence Extension above Ground Level
  1. Exterior foundation walls shall extend not less than 150 mm above finished ground level. Reduction in Thickness
  1. Where the top of a foundation wall is reduced in thickness to permit the installation of floor joists, the reduced section shall be not more than 350 mm high and not less than 90 mm thick.
  2. Where the top of a foundation wall is reduced in thickness to permit the installation of a masonry exterior facing, the reduced section shall be
    1. not less than 90 mm thick, and
    2. tied to the facing material with metal ties conforming to Sentence spaced not more than
      1. 200 mm o.c. vertically, and
      2. 900 mm o.c. horizontally.
  3. The space between wall and facing described in Sentence (2) shall be filled with mortar. Corbelling
  1. Corbelling of masonry foundation walls supporting cavity walls shall conform to Article Crack Control Joints
  1. Crack control joints shall be provided in foundation walls more than 25 m long at intervals of not more than 15 m.
  2. Joints required in Sentence (1) shall be designed to resist moisture penetration and shall be keyed to prevent relative displacement of the wall portions adjacent to the joint. Interior Masonry Walls
  1. Interior masonry foundation walls not subject to lateral earth pressure shall conform to Section 9.20.