- This Section applies to columns used to support
- beams carrying loads from not more than 2 wood-frame floors where
- the supported length of joists bearing on such beams does not exceed 5 m, and
- the live load on any floor does not exceed 2.4 kPa (see Table,
- beams or header joists carrying loads from not more than 2 levels of wood-frame balconies, decks or other accessible exterior platforms, or 1 level plus the roof, where
- the supported length of joists bearing on such beams or joists does not exceed 5 m,
- the sum of the specified snow and occupancy loads does not exceed 4.8 kPa (see Sentence for the determination of load on platform-type constructions), and
- the platform serves only a single suite of residential occupancy, or
- carport roofs (see Section 9.35.).
- Columns for applications other than as described in Sentence (1) shall be designed in accordance with Part 4.