9.28.1. General

9.28.1. General Sheathing beneath Stucco
  1. Sheathing shall be provided beneath stucco applied over wood-frame walls except as permitted in Article
  2. Where applied beneath stucco, sheathing shall conform to Subsection 9.23.17. Lath and Reinforcing
  1. Stucco lath or reinforcing shall be used to attach stucco to any substrate other than masonry.
  2. Stucco lath or reinforcing shall be used to attach stucco to masonry where
    1. the masonry is soft-burned tile or brick of less strength than the stucco, or
    2. the masonry surface is not sound, clean and sufficiently rough to provide a good key.
  3. Stucco applied over masonry chimneys shall be reinforced. Concrete Masonry Units
  1. Stucco finish shall not be applied over concrete masonry units less than one month old unless the units have been cured by the autoclave process. Clearance over Ground Level
  1. Stucco shall be not less than 200 mm above finished ground level except when it is applied over concrete or masonry. Flashing and Caulking
  1. Flashing and caulking used with stucco shall conform to Subsections 9.27.3. and 9.27.4., except that if aluminum flashing is used, it shall be separated from the stucco by an impervious membrane or coating. (See Article for caulking around window frames.)