Mila Jansen, also known as Mila Subvert, is a prominent figure in the cannabis community, specifically known for her work in the field of cannabis extraction. She is often referred to as the "Hash Queen" due to her expertise and contributions to the development of hashish-making techniques.
In the 1980s, Mila Jansen gained recognition for pioneering the creation of the Pollinator, a device designed for dry sieving cannabis resin glands to produce high-quality hashish. The Pollinator revolutionized the process of collecting trichomes and making hash, making it more efficient and accessible to enthusiasts.
Mila Jansen's work with the Pollinator and her dedication to the art of hashish production established her as an influential figure in the cannabis industry. She has been an advocate for the legalization and responsible use of cannabis, and her contributions have helped shape the understanding and appreciation of cannabis concentrates.