"You can get a Grade 1 install with fiber glass, we do it every day" states John Ratzow, President of Wisconsin Insulation Services.
Raztow, goes on to explain: "We act as a consultant to builders so they can make the best decision when it comes to how they insulate the homes they build. Nearly 100% of homes we install have some level of fiber glass insulation. More than 95% have fiber glass batts in the walls. If you seal the cavity, fiber glass performs at the same performance level as any other insulation type, including spray foam." Ratzow adds that acoustical control of fiber glass provides an opportunity to sell more.
While other, more costly, insulation alternatives have received attention in the marketplace, T. Dean Moody, President of Intermountain West Insulation, points out the overwhelming advantages of fiber glass for his business. "For builders who want to cost effectively meet codes and higher standards, fiber glass is the way to go. "I am a huge proponent of Grade 1 installation, and I am confident that I can achieve a Grade 1 install with fiber glass. What's more, innovations in fiber glass keep it relevant for new trends."