By the end of the in-person portion of basecamp: London, it is hoped that participants will express a strong interest and make a commitment to engage in joint efforts to:
- Promote the new conceptualization of health and well-being as abilities that everybody could develop.
- Facilitate the identification, implementation and scaling up of effective innovations that promote positive health and well-being anywhere in the world.
- Encourage the design and development of new products, services, platforms, systems and models to enable massive individualization, so that anyone, at any time, in their own way, could experience optimal levels of health and well-being.
- Encourage the use of self-reported health and well-being as the main performance indicators to assess efforts that claim to foster health and well-being.
- Nurture a world-wide movement seeking to create the conditions for a pandemic of health and well-being to emerge.
Although this might appear insurmountable to some, it is worthwhile to remember that, just a few decades ago it was thought that landing safely on the moon or decoding the human genome was impossible. With relatively primitive tools, but with leadership, clear vision, conviction and painstaking work, we proved ourselves wrong. Now, armed with digital tools of unimaginable and ever increasing power, we must believe that we can have a world in which every person could enjoy a full life, in harmony with other living creatures, and that with a strong sense of urgency, we could prove ourselves right.
INPUT REQUEST #5: Action Options
- What do you think of the potential action options presented?
- What additional action options or critical questions are missing, and that you would like to have address in this dialogue?
Please respond in the comments section