Expected Outcomes

During the dialogue leading up to basecamp and thanks to the discussions at basecamp:London itself, we hope participants will be able to:

  1. Question, share and expand their viewpoints and perspectives about the meaning of "public education".
  2. Imagine new breakthrough collective actions, that could enable a transition from industrial age education models to ones that meet modern day needs and challenges.
  3. Feel a renewed sense of purpose about the role they, and their networks, might play in efforts to support any initiatives that might arise through our dialogue around re-thinking public education.
  4. Feel moved to join in re-thinking education expeditions that are already underway from basecamp:Toronto.

INPUT REQUEST #3: Expected Outcomes

  • What questions or comments do you have about the expected outcomes for this dialogue?
  • What additional expected outcomes would you like to suggest?
  • What expected outcomes do you have for this Challenge Dialogue (as in "I would consider this dialogue a success if….")

Please leave comments on this page.