Expected Outcomes

What are the Expected Outcomes From This Conversation, and from Our Day Together?

By engaging in this dialogue together, I expect we will all enjoy substantial opportunities to:

  • Provide input on theme issues and initiatives we are involved in and care about
  • Find new and powerful allies, supportive ideas and contacts for ourselves
  • Gain access to content and contacts from other Table-mates, which can serve as morale boosters for us in our ongoing engagement with the big challenges that society faces
  • Function as part of a high-performing team, which collaborates well, and quickly co-creates a useful product/service/initiative toward Rethinking Citizenship

I expect us to come up with at least one big "expedition", as an action-oriented idea/opportunity, whose rough outline we can share with the wider basecamp on November 14. I don't expect we will all sign up to it. I don't expect anyone to run with it - unless you feel a personal calling or commitment to do that. But that room is going to be a unique space in which ideas like that can suddenly take on a life of their own. And I think it is one of our tasks to give back to that room at least one exciting possibility: something for the youth, the elders, the influencers, the entrepreneurs or the wealthy philanthropists in the room to pile into.

I expect that you will all share with me a sense of accountability to produce some meaningful progress at our table, over these next two months of asynchronous conversation, and in the room on November 14.

But I also respect that each of us is sovereign over where we choose to focus our time and energies. I expect that we'll have multiple opportunities on the 14th to make new decisions about where to focus next, as that day unfolds. I expect us to be generous and playful toward the people who leave this Table and the people who join it on that particular day. In the end, that fluidity can only enrich this conversation.