For Learning Further 

First, recognize that your mind is an equal instructor in the game of chess to any other. Everything you learn through experience is profoundly valuable. What you read or see on a YouTube video or hear second hand won't connect as deeply and as broadly to other aspects of the game as what you discover in the game. Likewise, what you figure out for yourself will always be more completely understood than reading the same insight. Trust your mind and value yourself.

Having said that, there's plenty of exploring to do. The chess world has exploded with the internet; a universe of information is out there and it comes in lots of different forms. The games that can be replayed online - and rewound and played again and again - are extremely instructive. There are tons of videos on YouTube that are a complete education by themselves. Then there are great affinity sites like that bring many features together and are all chess all the time.

Some of the texts that are considered classics in the field are also available online, and for anyone who can endure the study, they are extremely rewarding. Some are easier to read than others; many of them clock in at many hundreds of pages. Google "books by chess masters" and begin exploring! Here are a couple that can really help you grasp the fullness of the game:

My System: A classic by chess master Aron Nimzovitch

Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess: Considered by many to be the most readable of the classics by the inimitable - and erratic - chess master.

More will be added over time.

Finally, there is this book, which begins as a simple introduction and will grow with its readers. Post comments, share your experiences, provide links to interesting things you encounter. Lets learn and grow together!