Guelph-Wellington: A Circular Economy in Profile

Of the five circular economy SCC applications, The City of Guelph and Wellington County (Guelph-Wellington) was selected as a finalist and ultimately was awarded the $10M prize. Guelph-Wellington focused on becoming Canada's first technology-enabled Circular Food Economy, creating a food-secure ecosystem that increases access to affordable, nutritious food by 50%, where waste becomes a resource, to create 50 new circular businesses and collaborations, and increase circular economic revenues by 50%: 50x50x50 by 2025. Their application is profiled below:

  • Guelph-Wellington is an already existing hub of food innovation and environmental sustainability. Leveraging local expertise, big data and the latest technology to transform the food ecosystem into a connected "living lab" where researchers, social innovators, farmers, entrepreneurs and other community partners can collaborate to solve complex food problems.
  • Proposed solutions include the creation of baseline asset and behaviour mapping which will seek to understand what currently exists in the community and where gaps lie and identify geographic and demographic priority areas. The analysis of multiple layers of data, including behaviour, will also provide insights for public health interventions and a platform for community-wide evidencebased decision-making. The data will also be used to develop a Food Security and Health Action Plan for the region.
  • Overall, Guelph-Wellington relied on CE principles throughout its application for the creation of a circular food economy. Social, economic and environmental sustainability goals were equally prioritized in the proposal. The following is an evaluation of the application against the ReSOLVE framework:
Principle Assessment of Guelph-Wellington's SCC Application
Regenerate The application seeks to create new opportunities and sources of revenue by valuing waste as a resource, and by re-imagining, re-using and revaluing food ecosystem inputs and outputs by maximizing their use, eliminating waste, optimizing economic value and reducing negative environmental impacts.
Share The application discusses developing a circular innovation ecosystem that shares information and leverages social innovation and technology to advance new business models and collaborations to tackle food problems.
Optimize The creation of baseline asset and behaviour mapping will help decision-makers understand the systems strengths and weakness and identify priorities for the community. The analysis of data will provide insights for public health interventions and a platform for evidence-based decision-making.
Loop To help other local businesses buy and sell their own GHG/carbon offsets, Guelph is exploring the potential of developing a digital marketplace powered by blockchain technology to encourage more companies to reduce their carbon footprint by buying offsets generated from food waste.
Virtualize Guelph is exploring the potential of developing a secure, open and accessible digital marketplace powered by blockchain technology, to help other local businesses buy and sell their own GHG/carbon offsets.
Exchange "Collision" spaces will be established to promote new business collaborations and innovations to solve food system challenges through a technology- enabled platform.