Product guide

Circle City Scan Tool


The Circle City Scan Tool is an interactive tool designed to accompany a collaborative innovation process between local stakeholders working towards practical and scalable solutions to accelerate their city's transition to a circular economy.

This tool is for consultants working for and with the municipalities and guides them towards selecting a relevant opportunity for their context.

Enter your city in the search bar. Every city in the world is there. If not, please contact us and we will add your city to the tool.

Once you have selected a city, you will be presented with an "opportunity radar" on the right, and a selection process in the left panel.

This guide will walk you through 5 steps as represented by the selection process in the tool:

  1. Prepare Data
    Validate and/or edit city data directly, or upload new datasets.
  2. Set Focus
    Define a focus area comprised of a sector, material, and impact to determine circular opportunities.
  3. Explore Opportunities
    Explore and select relevant opportunities for your context and chosen focus.
  4. Action Plan (coming soon)
    To be defined: will support implementation of your selected opportunity.
  5. Report
    Output key elements of your research into a shareable report.