Stage 3: Cooperative Launch (2-6 Months)

Get the business set up and ready to open.

Organizational Development:
You will need to... CDI can provide... By the end of this phase...

Set up office and hire staff.

Startup accounting,

communications, and support staffing;

Sample job descriptions and personnel handbooks;

Trainings for management, staff, members and board.

An office set up and staffed.

BUSINESS Development:
You will need to... CDI can provide... By the end of this phase...

Contract for and market products and services.

Presell members and/or customers products and services.

Lessons learned by other projects; sample marketing materials.

Initial products and services ready to offer;

Customers signed up for products and services.

You will need to... CDI can provide... By the end of this phase...

Orient new members to their roles and responsibilities.

Sample Member orientation materials.

Members educated about their rights and responsibilities as co-op members.