Non-National Energy Efficiency Codes


The following provinces and municipalities do not adopt the national codes but instead issue their own energy efficiency regulations:

  • Ontario: Ontario Building Code, SB-10; effective January 1, 2017 Note that Ontario held a Public Review mid 2017, which may result in some Code changes effective Jan. 1, 2019
  • Toronto: OBC, SB-10 + 15% (required) or + 25% (voluntary), effective January 1, 2014. Tier 2 was updated to Version 2.1 in January 2017 (voluntary ENERGY STAR or R2000 requirements).
  • Quebec: 2005 Code de construction de Québec (modified from 2005 NBC); adopted a modified version of the NECB in 2016 with a final effective date in Spring 2018
  • Vancouver: ASHRAE 90.1 (2010) or 2011 NECB adopted Sept. 24, 2013; effective Dec. 20, 2013
  • Whitehorse: Building and Plumbing By-Law 99-50, effective Dec. 31, 2012
  • Yellowknife: Building By-Law 4469; expect to be 25% more efficient than MNECB