In some cases when buying a flat, you will be told there is a monthly property management fee to be paid. This is most common with new developments. The management fee can sometimes seem like a lot of money and you should ensure that you can afford to pay your mortgage along with this monthly bill.
However, it does mean that you don't need to worry about common repairs and getting everyone in your building to pay their share. The factor will use this money for general repairs, shared cleaning services eg stairs and grass cutting. It is likely that it will also include payment for common building insurance.
Having a property manager also has the benefit that they will be checking the general state of the building and will ensure repairs are carried out before they become large expensive jobs. The will be responsible for hiring contractors and getting the work done.
When buying a flat in Scotland, please make sure you understand your responsibilities with common repairs. Your Property Solicitor or Estate Agent will be able to answer all your questions and check if there are any outstanding Statutory Notices.