
Public health measures (PHM) include non-pharmaceutical interventions that can be used to reduce and delay community transmission of the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Implemented early, PHM seek to reduce the speed with which cases are occurring to delay and to reduce the peak of virus activity in the community (see figure 1) and reduce the demand for health care services. Some measures are used commonly in Canada for seasonal influenza and other communicable disease outbreaks, while others will likely only be considered during a more severe pandemic. Given that there is currently no effective vaccine or specific treatment (e.g. antiviral medication) for COVID-19, public health measures will be the only tools available to mitigate the impact of the virus. A crucial aspect of PHM is effective communications by PHA to promote and support public trust. Refer to the section below on public education and communication for additional considerations.

Public health measures are usually implemented as combinations of two or more measures, which is sometimes referred to as "layered use". The theoretical rationale for layering public health measures is based on the expectation that combinations are likely to be more effective than the partial effectiveness of a single measure.

Figure 1: Goal of Public Health Measures
Figure 1: Goal of Public Health Measures

Public health measures outlined in this guidance include actions taken by individuals (healthy, those potentially exposed, and those with COVID-19) designed to protect themselves and others as well as community-based approaches whereby planners, employers, community organizers can implement strategies to protect groups and the community at large. Compliance with recommendations and sustainability of them over time may be influenced by a variety of factors, including, but not limited to cultural, financial, social, and spiritual circumstances. Some communities may require tailored approaches based on geography, culture and living circumstances. Additional measures for those living in Remote and Isolated Communities is provided in Appendix 1, as their unique circumstances may require additional considerations.

Guidance for individuals who are self-isolating or caring for someone in the home or co-living setting (including university dormitories, shelters, communal living facilities) has been developed: Public Health Management of cases and contacts associated with novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

Public health measures such as hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette and environmental cleaning in the home are the cornerstone public measures to protect individuals, their families and others against seasonal influenza and other respiratory viruses. The same measures are also effective when COVID-19 is circulating in the community. The application of these principles will help prevent and control transmission of any respiratory infectious disease, including COVID-19.