Add Live Chat (Evaluate)

A live chat tool shows visitors that you are a real company with real people standing by right now so they are more confident to make a purchase.

Use a live chat tool to speak with visitors live to find out their most pressing questions. For visitors who have questions or sales objections, a live chat operator will handle that and help the visitor make a purchase.

Not only is this valuable for collecting visitor insights, which you can then inject into the website sales copy, but having a full time sales representative on live chat can increase conversions in itself because they can act as a 'closer'.

Studies show that 77% of consumers that use live chat consider it a critical communication tool. When participants were asked which is their preferred method of communication with a business, live chat is neck and neck with phone communication.

Of those who prefer live chat- time was a major factor - with 79% saying that it was the most efficient way to get their questions answered quickly and help them move forward with the sale.

Website Magazine reported a study that found that up to 40% of consumers that used live chat made a purchase or became a lead.

The other benefit with live chat is even if visitors don't need to engage with it, seeing that an operator is standing by gives them confidence in your company - making them more likely to engage with your business.

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