Complete The Empathy Exercise

Get your team together and discuss what kind of person gets value from your solution.

If you don't have a product yet, think about who gets excited when you talk about what you're working on? If you have a solution in the wild, who are your early and most enthusiastic adopters? Can they be broken up into 1-4 obvious groups?

The point here is to understand how these types of people are feeling when making a purchasing decision, which is crucial to developing messaging that will get them to convert.

The trick is to not get caught up in the weeds of your solution - stay high-level and focus on the real people's feelings and needs.

Go through this exercise for each persona:

  • Name the persona: Draw the persona and give them a name.
  • Describe the persona: How old is she, where does she live, is she married, what is her income?
  • Describe her needs: What are this person's pain point, pleasure points, and triggers?
  • Describe her goals: What does this person aim to accomplish and how does he or she know when she's succeeded?

If you're having trouble coming up with needs and goals, start with the basic framework, this persona needs x in order to do y and that should help. Write down as much about your target persona(s) as possible and find an image of someone on the web that represents this type of person (or people).