Once you have brainstormed and know your story, it's time to crunch out the script. The script is the blueprint for your video, you get into the nitty gritty details of what needs to be said and what shots need to be made. Just as a contractor can pick up a blueprint for a house and build it, someone should be able to pick up your script and film it. That said, even writing down the basics of what you'd like to accomplish will help you while shooting.
Word Processors - Microsoft Word/Google Docs
Word processors such as Microsoft Word in general will be fine in most situations for writing down the script and scene descriptions. It may help to download screenplay templates to get the proper format for screenplays. They can be found for free and really help create a clear script. See the Resources tab for an example script.
Celtx - Free, OSX
Celtx is an amazing film pre-production software for OSX, and amazingly it's free. It will allow you to easily write a script in the proper format and collaborate with other people online. This is a great option for creating a clear and concise script
Final Draft - $200, Windows and OSX
This is industry standard software for writing screenplays and shooting scripts. It allows your to easily write in the proper screenplay format and has features such as script analysis. This software well beyond the needs of most people, but may be an option numerous videos are planned.
It's generally a good idea to keep your video somewhere between 2 and 4 minutes, it's very difficult to keep an audience engaged for any longer than that. Some people may find that a very short time, but if Apple can sell an Iphone in a 30 second commercial, you can easily sell your product in 2 minutes. Obviously as a creator of a product you will be very enthusiastic about what you have to sell, but keep in mind people have short attention spans, be efficient with your words and communicate what you have to; get to the point.
Get to the product, your product or service should come up quickly, within the first 30 seconds
The Why - why is this product being made?
What is it that your product does - go into depth on your product and how it solves the problem
Tell why the team members are involved - is there something personal, an epiphany moment?
Dialogue - include everything that needs to be said to communicate your message
Characters - who is saying what is important
- you need to describe how things are physically arranged in the screen. Are you at a coffee house, are two people sitting in chairs in front of a white screen, or is there a shot of a city during a voice over?
Shooting Guides - you should also note how the camera will be positioned and moved. Such as do you want to have the camera pan across a factory floor or just stationary on a tripod.