A basecamp-able question:
1. Is "unsettling." It stirs you from your usual frames-of-seeing and provokes you to move. It compels you to be part of THAT conversation.
2. Compels exploration.
3. Creates the MISSING conversation. "What's the missing conversation about [TOPIC] that needs to begin?"
4. Invites people to share experiences, not information and opinions. It's not asking you your opinion on "what's real out there?" It's asking you "what's real for YOU?" (The question shouldn't invite a debate about who's right.)
5. Is open-ended, not closed.
6. Feels timely, but also touches something timeless.
7. Makes you curious about how OTHER people might answer it and why. It makes you want to learn, by learning from others.
8. Demands new & different perspectives in order to answer it well.